Terms of Service

Terms apply for your use of the Services and our Platform, and we
encourage you to read them carefully. The Terms and any attachments
related to it, forms a legal Agreement between you and IACT for your use
of the IACT Services and website.

terms of service are a binding legal document (the “Agreement”) that is
entered into by and between you and INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF
CONTEMPORARY TEACHERS LTD (referred to herein as “IACT”). You agree that
your use of the website at the URL: www.iacteachers.org, and any of its affiliated websites and services such as iactacademy.org and iactools.org,
their mobile browser site, Applications and other digital owned by
IACT, which may be changed from time to time at IACT discretion, and the
services, resources and content offered therein, shall be bound by this

any act of using, accessing, consuming, engaging, browsing our website,
resources, services, materials and/or content you accept each of these
terms and conditions without any exceptions. If you do not agree to
these Terms, you must immediately discontinue your use of the Services
and Resources and you should cease browsing the website.

values its customers and users with good intention. This agreement does
not create any professional relationship with you, including but not
limited to agency, employment, franchise or partnership, unless
specified by different separate agreement.

Company Details:



Company Number: 13702391





Representative in Turkey:


Company Number: 488874

Kizilay mah. Gazi Mustafa Kemal bul. onur is hani blok no: 12 iç kapi no: 141.

Çankaya, Ankara




“Agreement” is the collective term that encompasses these Terms and any Service.

“us” “we” “our” INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF CONTEMPORARY TEACHERS LTD, the owner of this website.

“IACT” International
Assembly of Contemporary Teachers LTD and/or their representative
Manner Technology Teknoloji Bilgisayar Danismanlik Ve Ticaret Limited


“Visitor” is someone who merely browses our website, and is not paid subscriber

“Member” or “Subscriber” is someone who has registered with our website to use our Services

“User” is a collective identifier that refers to either a Visitor, Member, or a Subscriber of our website and/or services

“Content” refers to any products, materials or services we sell or give away

“IACT Brands” means all IACT trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, domain names, and any other features of the IACT brand.

“Platform” means IACT´s Websites and Apps where the IACT Services are available.

“Resources” means the information, resources, services, products, and tools provided for you in the IACT Services.

“Services” means the IACT services, including any software, that you subscribe to under these Terms.

“subscription” subscription at IACT website/s

“Subscription Services” certain paid services that you may subscribe to for a charge.

“Subscription Period” means the duration of the applicable Service Plan and/or Content Subscription.

“Terms” means these general terms and conditions applicable to your use of the IACT Services.

“Third Party Applications and Content” means
websites, services, software and contents delivered by third parties
that are integrated in the Services and Resources in order to make
certain features, content, products, and/or services available to you.

“Trial” means
trials of paid Service Plan subscriptions or Content Subscriptions for a
specified period without payment or at a discounted rate.

“User Content” or “Member Content” means
the content and data which Users upload to the Service, including but
not limited to images, video, text, messages, information, and any other

“Website(s)” means the IACT websites including iacteachers.orgiactools.org.

  1. Use of services

IACT provides services that helps and supports learning, teaching,
assessments, educational follow up and services which may include, but
not limited to, educational materials, quizzes, action plans, calendars,
games, courses, profile creations, chat, collaborations, presentations`
formats, among other services. You agree to fully read and understand
services provided and other services that are mentioned in upcoming
sections of this sector.

are allowed to use the services that IACT makes available at their
websites for personal use, non-commercial use, professional use only
when within your internal educational organization that you are either
part of or representing it, where the use in this case would be of local
nature where you use it for your regular teaching/learning practice.
You need an internet connection and device to browse and use the
services and it is your sole responsibility to ensure their availability
in order to be able to use the service.

agree to comply with all applicable domestic and international laws,
statutes, ordinances, and regulations regarding your use of our Website,
Content, Services, and any software provided therein.

Service provided: When you become a member and subscribe, IACT assigns
you with a username and a password to access your account at the
website. As a service, a request automatically and internally will be
sent for IACT for membership approval. If approved, then you become a
member of IACT and you can identify as an IACT member as long as you are
a) an approved member of IACT AND b) with an active subscription.

Subscription Assigning: usually the username and password assigned for
your membership are the one used for registering. If you do not have
them for any reason you can contact support@iacteachers.org for
help in retrieving or for creating them, where they might ask for
additional details for security reasons and/or to ensure you are the
rightful beneficial subscriber.

Other Services: There are other services and materials at IACT website
which are provided as it is. These services might include materials,
blogs, profile page, intra-membership interaction tools, quizzes,
presentations, courses and course creations and any other supporting or
additional tools at IACT website. You understand that these services are
provided as it is and might experience technical flaws, inconsistency,
times of unavailability, inaccessibility etc. and you totally understand
that they are periodically changed, updated, replaced, or removed from
website without any notification whatsoever. There are no guarantees on
the use or accessibility of these services and you agree to take full
responsibility for using, or not using them and you agree to use them as
it is without any obligation from IACT, either legally, financially or
morally. IACT has no legal or financial obligation in relation to these
services whatsoever and under any circumstances.

Prohibition of use

You may not

  1. Use the website and/or services for any commercial purposes unless separate written agreement has been formed with IACT
  2. Rent, loan or give away access and/or use of the Service.
  3. Re-license rights to access and/or use the Service.
  4. Modify, edit, decompile, and/or try to infiltrate software within service and/or service.
  5. Reverse engineer software included in the Service.
  6. Use our website or Services in any violations of this Agreement.
  7. Use
    our website or Services to violate, either directly or indirectly any
    local, national, state, federal, or international laws.
  8. Abuse
    our website and/or services in any manner that would deviate from
    intended, declared and allowed uses mentioned in clause (1) in this


  1. License

grants you a nonexclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to
access and use, including printed use, of our Website and Services
strictly in accordance with this Agreement.

use of our Website and Services is solely for what is defined in sector
(1) of this agreement. Any use for commercial gain is expressly
prohibited unless separate written agreement with IACT states so. No
printout or electronic version of any part of our website or Services
may be used by you in any litigation or arbitration matter whatsoever
under any circumstances.

  1. Registration and Membership

using our website and/or Services, you represent and warrant that you
are (18) years of age or older and agree to abide by all the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. Any registration by, use of, or access to
our website by anyone under that age is in violation of these Terms and

use our Services, you must register with our website to become a
member. IACT has sole right and discretion to determine whether to
accept or reject a member, with or without any explanation.

Membership is non-transferable, and you have sole responsibility to
maintain that. You might create a password while registering which will
allow you to access your account and/or services. You must maintain the
confidentiality of your password and it is your sole responsibility to
maintain that information. You agree that you are fully and solely
responsible for any damage in any kind or shape and/or loss that might
result from failure to maintain the password and its confidentiality and
IACT have no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss or
damage that arise from such failure. You agree to notify us immediately
for any security breach, including but not limited to password
unauthorized use.

  1. Courses and Content Sales

may offer service which enables you to sell Courses and/or Content to
other users or Members. The price for any content or courses that you
sell will be set by you. You agree to pay IACT a commission in the
amount of Twenty Percent (20%) on all sales that you complete through
our Service platform. All such commissions will be due and payable
immediately upon your completion of the sale. You fully understand that
when selling your course/content, the buyers may have to pay you through
us. You authorize IACT to collect all commissions and/or fees and/or
any payable amounts, reimbursement from these held payments. IACT will
periodically send the payable amount generated from such sales, after
deducting all commissions, fees or any other payable amounts, to you.
You agree to pay all the fees and expenses incurred during such
transfer. You agree to provide accurate information that is related to
such transfers, such as name and/or bank account, and it is sole
responsibility for any damage or loss that arises from failure to
provide that information in a very accurate matter.


  1. Subscription

Our prices for Subscription Services are clearly stated on web page
during registration and are presented in different currencies. These
Subscription Services prices are inclusive of VAT. You fully acknowledge
your total understanding of the price, currency presented in and all
different presented fees and expenses, if any. Company reserves the
right to modify its fees and prices and to introduce new charges without
notification. You agree that the new prices and/or fees will be applied
upon your renewal of the subscription.

is renewable and is provided on continuous basis, and you agree to be
charged a renewal rate equal to latest and updated price. The renewal is
usually annual and IACT will automatically renew your subscription. If
you wish to cancel the renewal, you either officially contact IACT and
receive an official confirmation of cancelling, or by use the tool on
the IACT Website at any time prior to the end of the then-current
subscription. If you cancel renewal, your use of website and/or services
will still be effective till your current subscription expires.

fees, and any other expenses, are non-refundable, including termination
and/or suspension of subscription, and there is no trial period. When
you purchase the fee, it will be your responsibility to pay for any
taxes in relation.  If IACT is required to pay any taxes on your behalf,
you agree to reimburse IACT.

you use credit card for payment, you warrant that the information
provided is correct, and you shall promptly notify IACT of any changes
to such credit card information. You agree that if the payment cannot be
processed for any reason, IACT will cancel your subscription and any
data stored might be deleted.

This is to stress that the subscription fees and any other expenses you
pay are non-refundable, under any cases, including cases of termination
and/or suspension of the subscription, technical errors that prevent
users from using the service and/or any other circumstances that
prevents that, and that there is no trial period. IACT, under any
circumstances, is not obligated to return any payment (in partial or in
full) received, and if IACT choose to do so it would be as a
complimentary gesture without any obligations or admissions, either
legally or morally. You totally agree with all sections mentioned in
this sector upon subscribing.


  1. Certificates

subscription, and as part of services, IACT may provide “certificate of
membership” that might be in digital and/or physical form. You fully
understand that this certificate is a good will gesture from IACT and
that IACT is not obligated to provide you with such certificate. IACT
might chose to deliver you a physical copy of the certificate using
standard mail or other mean and might give you option/s to chose
different method of delivery. You agree if you choose different method
of delivery to pay for estimated expenses as stated during your
registration. You fully understand that the subscription fees you pay
are for the use of our website and/or services and that the certificate
is a good will gesture from IACT and not included in the price. You
agree that in case you did not receive such certificate, this will not
affect your subscription, and the fee you pay for, which is irrelevant
to such certificate. Same rule discussed here applies to any other
certificate presented within our website and/or services.

  1. Members

of services provided by IACT might include profile creations, chats,
members` connections among many others. You agree that any interaction
of any kind with other members are you own choice and your sole
responsibility. You agree that IACT has no responsibility whatsoever in
any event, meeting or interaction that you choose to have with other
members or users of our website and/or services. You fully understand
that IACT does not screen other users nor check their background and
does not guarantee or warranty any kind of behaviour that other users or
members might choose to do.

urges all its members and users to practice extreme caution when
dealing with other members, especially when no prior real life knowledge
present between them. You should not share private or sensitive
information to other members, such as official name, bank account,
telephone number, real address or any other sensitive information by any
mean, which might include using some of IACT services such as direct
messages, chat, emails, conferences or any other service or mean. You
totally understand that meeting other members could have serious risks
associated, and if you choose to do so it is your sole responsibility.
You agree that IACT has no responsibility whatsoever if you choose to
interact in any form with other members or users.

  1. Intellectual Property

materials, services, logo, original concepts, original graphics,
service marks, trademarks and other content presented in our website
and/or services are owned by IACT. You fully acknowledge that you will
not use any of them without prior written permission of IACT. Copying,
redistributing, publishing or using any such content is strictly
prohibited. All proprietary rights in the Service will remain in and be
the sole and exclusive property of IACT.

appreciate all constructive feedback, however, if you provide any
recommendations, feedback, idea, concepts or any other suggestions
related to our website and/or services, then IACT will have royalty-free
right to use that in any way they deem fit including commercial use.
Company may or may not use your name as reference or contact you in
regard of any suggestion you provide. Company may or may not use
subscriber`s name, info, and/or logo on company`s website and in its
marketing, materials indicating subscriber as client of the IACT, which
might include but not limited to, feedback and comments

  1. Downloading and Uploading content and materials

you download any material or content from our website and/or services,
then you agree not to remove any logo, copyright, trademarks or any
related content when you use or share them. You understand that there
might be limitation on their use as defined in this agreement and you
totally agree with full responsibility to abide by that. You warranty
not to abuse any of materials or content you download, for example but
not limited to, using it in illegal activities or to infiltrate
intellectual property.

activities or messages you send in public or conferences, files you
upload, are subject to review, editing, modifications or deletion
without any prior notice and on sole decision of IACT. You guarantee
that all quizzes, games, training, courses, images, information, text,
software, music, sound, videos or any other type of content or
participation that you perform at our website and/or services are your
original works, and you are fully in control or legally authorized to
use it. If it belongs to third party, then it is your full
responsibility to obtain the right to use their material or content at
our website and/or service and IACT is not responsible at all for
acquiring such right from third parties. IACT is not responsible for any
damage, loss, or related actions in relation to your abuse of
third-party intellectual rights and you hold full legal responsibility
in such case.

  1. Content

always support and encourage the highest quality of constructive
materials. That being said, users may post their own content on our
website and/or services. Users, subscribers, and visitors all understand
that they might, by using our website and/or services, exposed to
content that might be considered indecent, debatable, offensive,
unlawful, objectionable, threatening, harmful, abusive, defamatory,
vulgar, obscene, harassing, invasive of privacy, racial, unethical,
unmoral, indecent and you agree and consent to that exposure, regardless
of the source of it. You agree that IACT has no liability of any
exposure you have for such content on our website and/or services. You
fully understand that IACT have no control over member`s content and
does not warranty the content type, nature, or quality in any way. IACT
encourages its users to report any material or content that they believe
to be of such nature. If any content of members found to be in breach
of law, IACT have the right to submit all required information to
concerned authorities. If IACT found any material or content to be
abusive or inappropriate in any nature, then IACT have full authority to
do what it deems proper action from its side, such as suspending the
account, termination of subscription and/or account and deletion of
materials and content beside any other appropriate action deemed correct
by IACT, immediately and without notice. IACT might send a warning to
user with abusive content for a set of time, however that does not
revoke IACT right to act immediately as discussed earlier in this
clause. In our sole discretion, we have the right to remove any content
or material that we don`t believe would fit and/or questionable and/or
in violation of this agreement without any prior notice.

is full responsibility of users and subscribers to respect and comply
with all national and international laws, including intellectual
property rights, copyrights and trademark laws. You agree not to use our
website and/or service to infringe any law in any way. You agree that
IACT has no responsibility whatsoever in case you do so, and it is your
full responsibility in case of failure to respect laws.

  1. Errors and Safety practices

have good intention of maintaining best quality and safety of materials
and website. IACT encourages all their users to practice caution and
take safety measures for their devices. We do not warranty that our
website will be free from error, either in content or other, viruses,
malware or other harmful components. all responsibility or liability for
any damages caused by viruses or malwares, or any other similar,
somehow attributed to our content, services, and related software is
disclaimed. We do not warranty that we will correct any error. We do not
warranty that information and content at our website and/or services
will be accurate, accountable, on time or reliable. Any material or
content found on our website and/or services is for knowledge basis only
and not constitute as professional guide. You agree that IACT is not
liable in any way in any practice that arises from visiting or using our
website and/or services. IACT has the right to change any of its
materials, content, designs, software, and any component on the website
or service without any prior notice. To highlight, you agree that all
the components on the website and/or service is to be accepted as it is
without any responsibility whatsoever on IACT. Nothing in our website
and/or service constitute financial, professional, legal, lifestyle or
any other advice. You agree not to build any financial or other type of
decision based on anything presented or contained in our website and/or
services, either in full or in part, and there is no professional
relationship of any kind is between you and IACT and/or its members and

  1. Third Party Content

might publish or use content that is supplied by third parties,
advertisers, merchants, members or users. You totally understand that
IACT have no control over their materials, and any opinion or content
expressed by third parties is their responsibility and not of IACT. IACT
does not guarantee their accuracy, compliance, legality or any other
type of guarantee over third parties’ content. You agree that if you
choose to purchase or do any business with third party, merchant or
other, then it will be on your sole risk to do without any kind of
warranty form IACT. You take full and sole responsibility to adhere with
legal practices, protections, and legal terms and conditions of any
third-party merchant that you decide to do business with.

totally understand that our reference, or presentation at our website
and/or services, to any product, logo, trademark, ideology, sponsor,
merchant, advertiser, or any of such type does not constitute any type
of recommendation, endorsement, encouragement, or affiliation with our
website and/or services.


  1. Feedback and Marketing use

you post comments on us, our website or Services to any website, blog
or social media network (Commentary or other) you guarantee it
represents your own opinion and/or experience. By using our website
and/or service you irrevocably authorise us to quote from your
Commentary, screen shot the interaction, or any other similar practice,
on our site and in any advertising or social media outlets which we may
create or contribute to. Same rule applies to any sort of feedback or
engagement that you do in relation to us.

  1. Fair Use

provides its services and contents to its subscribers for their daily
use and with good intention. IACT expects that your use of the website
and/or services will fall within the average use of the vast majority of
users. You agree not to misuse the service beyond its intended use. You
may not practice in any abusive usage (such as but not limited to,
providing third party services beyond expected use, reselling, sharing
access) or excessive usage (high usage over the average use). You
understand that such practices might affect the speed and stability of
the website and services. You agree that IACT have the right to act in
such cases based on their sole discretion without prior notice, which
might include but not limited to charging excess fee, suspension of
subscription and/or account, termination of subscription and/or account.
IACT shall have sole discretion with respect to whether your usage
constitutes abusive or excessive usage. Taking into consideration timely
matter effect of misuse on our website and/or services, IACT has the
right to suspend your account while under investigation. IACT has no
obligation to retain your Content upon termination of the applicable
service, subscription or account. IACT may choose to notify you, ask for
clarification, give you alternative solutions such as extra fee or any
other solution, try to cooperate with you when good intention is
established, however, it is all optional upon IACT sole discretion and
non-binding, and does not change IACT rights mentioned in this clause
earlier or limit it in any way, any time.

  1. Availability and Responsibility of Website and Services

our website and/or services might be temporarily inaccessible or
unavailable for maintenance or any other reasons. IACT is not
responsible whatsoever for any malfunction (such as but not limited to
delay, interruption, errors, failures, theft, breach, email failure,
unauthorized access, alteration of communications, or malfunctioned
services or website), and any damage or problems (such as but not
limited to equipment, computers, mobile phones, software, server, or
network), or any harm (such as but not limited to injuries, or damage) 
resulted, either directly or indirectly, from the use of our website
and/or services, downloading any content or using any software provided
by us or any other component in relation to IACT, our website, or
services. IACT is not responsible whatsoever for any damage or loss or
harm that result, directly or indirectly, from the use of our website
and/or services or from interacting with other users or third parties,
regardless of time, place and being online or offline interactions.

  1. Disclaimer

materials, content, components, texts, files, information, documents,
and software of our website and/or services are provided on “as-is”
basis, with no warranty whatsoever on the type, quality, flawlessness,
and our website and/or services may contain bugs, errors, and other
problems. IACT, including all its affiliates, are not liable or
responsible in any manner for any content or component that is presented
at our website and/or services, either by us or by other users or by
third party providers, regardless of the nature of that content or
component, and does not warranty its compliance, in part or in whole,
with any laws, regulations, specifications, law enforcements,
error-proofing, or security. IACT, including all its affiliates, are not
liable or responsible in any manner for your use of our website and/or
services, and no kind of any guarantee or promises are presented for
such use. You agree that your use of our website and/or services, in
part or in full, and all its components and contents are at your own
risk, and you are solely responsible for any affect (including but not
limited to damages and harm) that arises from that, either directly or
indirectly. IACT and its affiliates, directors, employees and agents
shall not be liable to you (or any third party) for any indirect,
special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages (including
damages for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of data, litigation,
or the like), whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty,
product liability, , tort, or otherwise, even if advised of the
possibility of such damages. no communication or information or advise,
whether oral or written, obtained by you from us through our website or
services will create any warranty or guarantee not stated in this
agreement. Any written agreement, that is specifically tailored for you,
that would change any clause of this agreement should include reference
and relation to this agreement, and any specific changes it may have

  1. Limitation of Liability

liability to you for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form
of the action, at all times, will be limited to the amount paid, if any,
by you to us for website and/or services accessed during the previous
year of your membership prior to the event giving rise to liability.

  1. Arbitration

claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to
be settled by binding arbitration in the United Kingdoms or another
location mutually agreeable to the parties. An award of arbitration may
be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction. As a claimant, you
agree to pay the arbitration fees and costs. IACT have the right, as
claimant, to pursue court case or other legal actions and not to choose

  1. Law Jurisdiction

dispute or claim arising out of contractual purchase of services and
subscription or in connection with them or their subject matter
(including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by
Turkish law. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with
such Contracts or their formation (including non-contractual disputes or
claims) will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
of Türkiye Cumhuriyeti.


report any breach of this agreement, any trademark or copyright
infringement, or for any other legal matters, kindly to contact us at
our email address:
